Leg Two: Europe and Africa « [Pelada] Movie Blog
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May 19, 2024
Leg Two: Europe and Africa
Filed under: Uncategorized |

We’ve spent the last five months in the States, editing down 120 hours of footage from South America and finding the funds to continue the trek. On May 28th, we take off for Europe and Africa. We’ll hit England, France, Italy, Germany, and Hungary, and we’ll watch Spain play Sweden in Innsbruck, Austria. We’ll spend a week in East Jerusalem before heading to Africa, where we’ll visit the Pyramids in Cairo, the slums of Nairobi, the World Cup stadium in Cape Town, and the rural coastline of Ghana.

We are very, very excited.


ush says

First of all congrats on your project! I think it’s a great idea and I can’t wait to see the finished masterpiece. I hope I can go see it at the Fine Arts Theatre in Asheville someday. And speaking of Asheville, I regret to inform you that your beloved Wizards lost yesterday’s final 5-2 to the Colortones. They’re obviously missing ya’ll. Hope to see you back on the pitches of Asheville someday! Peace and safe travels, Ush.

Comment by May 19, 2024 @ 3:05 pm

mary says

Stay safe and healthy. You all will be in our prayers daily.
Miss you

Comment by May 27, 2024 @ 11:49 am

mary says

Bonjour. How is France? Have a glass of champagne for me.

Comment by May 30, 2024 @ 12:46 pm

Joseph says

I simply must follow up Ush’s post by reporting that he neglected to mention that the Wizards O-30 Team beat him and Smush to secure both the Season and Tournament Cups! I didn’t want you all to fall into dispair during your travels :) . Press on!

Comment by August 12, 2024 @ 7:21 pm

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